
Today in Motorcycle History

Gordon Three-Wheelers

Gordon, 1954-1958

Manufactured by Vernons Industries Ltd of Bidston in Cheshire, at £279.19.2d it was the cheapest vehicle of its type on the market. Erling Poppe, previously of Packman & Poppe and later at Sunbeam, designed the delta-style three-wheelers which were powered by 197cc Villiers Mk8E and Mk9E engines mounted in an external enclosure to the right of the driver. British Anzani 250cc engines were also fitted, apparently. The door was on the left, allowing access from the curb for the disabled, for whom they had made vehicles prior to the advent of the Gordon.

Advertised as having three speeds and reverse, they were fitted with a metal bar to prevent use of reverse. This was removed for those who had a full drivers licence, rather than a motorcycle licence which is what most buyers had. It is believed some 1500 were constructed, of which none survive.

Vernon Sangster was the owner of the firm.

Sources: Wikipedia, Graces Guide,

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