
Today in Motorcycle History

Townend Motorcycles

Townend 1902 Motor Bicycle

New Townend Bros., Ltd., Coventry. Manchester Depot: 93, PICCADILLY.

Townend motorcycles were built in Coventry from 1901 to 1904.

The company was formed in 1871 by George Townend, later joined by two of his sons1.

This machine was a typical primitive with a choice of 2½ hp engines mounted into a heavy-duty bicycle frame, with suitable fittings and a tank transfer.

It probaby came from a cycle dealer who left the powered market when the slump of 1905 occurred.

The firm was primarily concerned with bicycles, and their Coventry factory was purchased by Humber when they moved to larger premises at Far Gosford Street around 1885 under the new name, Townend Brothers.

1. One source names the sons as Frank and Ernest. Funny, but apparently not quite true. The sons were Frederick and Samuel, joined by a nephew, Frank. George Townend had 8 children.

Sources: Graces Guide,

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