
Today in Motorcycle History

Viper Motor Co

Viper Motor Co. of Kidderminster
  • Viper was a motorcycle produced from 1919 to 1921
  • The company produced a model with a 292cc sv JAP engine, two-speed Albion gearbox and chain-cum-belt transmission, CAV magneto and Amac carburettor. It was virtually indistinguishable from any other machine of the era and, once local demand had been satisfied, would have been hard-pressed to compete with the larger, more notable makes.

    They also built ladies models, along with larger machines with V-twins of up to 1000cc, a few of which survive.

VIPER-JAP 2½ h.p., immediate delivery, 2-speed sporting model: £67. Agents, Tower Motor Garage. Berkeley St., Bristol. - Enquiries to J. Ivens, Kidderminster.

The Motor Cycle, January 12th, 1920.

Sources: Graces Guide, The Motor Cycle,

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