German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Ge-Ma-Hi Motorcycles and Three-Wheelers

Manufactured by Ge Ma Hi AG, Marquard & Hillmann Magdeburg Motorradbau, 1923-1926

The firm built motorcycles with conventional tubular frames and also large diameter tubes with integral fuel tanks. Late model machines had a pressed metal chassis similar to the Mars. Engines included 131cc Esbe, 149cc Bekamo, 149cc Grade, and DKW 147cc and 175cc two-strokes.

They also built utility three-wheelers powered by 173cc DKW engines which were attached to the rear of the front fork with friction-drive to the front wheel.

As with so many other firms at the time they became insolvent. Karl Heinrich Marquardt, Max Marquardt and Hermann Hillmann entered liquidation on January 20, 1926.

Sources: Tragatsch p144,, Axel Oskar Mathieu Archive.

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