German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Hexe and Amelung Motorcycles

Carl Amelung Fahrzeugfabrik of Duisburg built 48cc Sachs-powered mopeds and lightweight motorcycles from around 1955 until 1966. They were marketed under both the Hexe and Amelung brands.

Models include:

Hexe Mokick Super Sport 1961. This has a pressed steel chassis, dual seat, motorcycle-style fuel tank with tool cavity in top, and conventional telescopic forks.
Hexe HSL 50MK Sachs 4-speed engine
Hexe 1966, last model.

They also marketed mopeds under the Flidus brand from 1957 to 1959. These had the same model designation as some of the Hexe machines, HSL50. There is a suggestion that they had some association with Gold Rad, another moped producer of the 1950s.

Sources:,, Farben-Schiessl, et al.

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