German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

MAW Hilfsmotor


VEB Meßgeräte- und Armaturenwerk, Karl Marx, Magdeburg, Buckau.

MAW Hilfsmotor (bicycle engines) were manufactured between 1954 and 1959 in Magdeburg, East Germany during the Soviet occupation.

Engine models include A5.1, A5.2 and A5.3 (49.5cc).


    Sun Oct 23 2005
    MAW Cyclemotor/motorized bicycle
    I recently came across a motorized bicycle. This vehicle has a MAW cyclemotor attached to the rear wheel. The rear tire has raised lettered stating "USSR". There is little to no information regarding this machine on the internet. Am looking for anyone that can provide any and all information regarding this vehicle or motor. Thank you in advance.

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