German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Werno Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured by W. Noel & Cie. Motorenfabrik Werno, Berlin N24, Linienstraße 139-140, 1921-1923

The Werno Power Wheel (Werno-Kraft-Rad) were fitted with 197cc engines from Rheinische-Motorenwerke in Düsseldorf. Despite the name, the motorcycle was quite conventional with the engine fitted centrally in the frame. (GTU)

Tragatsch tells a slightly different story, saying that the engines were designed and built by Werner Noel and were OHV units of 154 and 197cc, produced until 1924.

They also used the OHV Snob engine (55x65mm b/s).

Sources: GTU Oldtimerservice, Tragatsch,

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