Piatti Scooters and Design

Today in Motorcycle History

Mini-Motor Auxiliary Bicycle Engines

A Brief History of the Italian Marque

The Mini Motor company, based in Milan, via Candiani, was founded by Vincenzo Piatti, famed designer and manufacturer of the Piatti scooter. Piatti assisted Suzuki in the development of their four-valve head, and is known for many other projects.

The Mini Motor was a 49cc auxiliary motor with a weight of 7 kg, which is applied over the rear wheel of the bicycle, the transmission and a grip roller.

They also built a moped marketed under the name Greyhound.

The engine has been employed by other manufacturers including Fuchs Tappella.

A chain drive with clutch and Lory gearbox can also be applied to the motor. This was designed by Lory Albertini (from Besano Varese) at his workshop in via Statuto in Milan. The conversion includes the 3/8 chain transmission, two-speed gearbox and clutch with cork friction discs. Around 100 of these were built between 1951 and 1953.

The Mini-Motor clip-on engine was marketed in the UK in 1949 and later as the Trojan Mini-Motor, and the engines may have been built there under licence.

Scuza Itanglish

Source: Moto di Lombardia